Unfortunately, as my mum would say, you can't make a silk purse out of a pig's ear.....and you can't talk people out of Sweet Child O Mine if they're really determined...
Or Elton John classics for that matter...here is video evidence of Sharj and I murdering Your Song (me more so than Sharj - luckily Sandy didn't catch the full horror of my contribution, by this point in the song i was going for low volume, and increasing distance from the microphone :)...
Ps. Please watch this video, it just took me about 2 million years to upload! Argh!
I am so, so glad there is no video of Sharj and me committing what can only be described as crimes against music to the accompaniment of Guns and Roses. I have never seen so many stoney faced americans
ARGH... my ears... my poor ears are bleeding... (only kidding stephster, you have a beautiful voice, um i mean eyes)
Don't give up your day job! Wait a minute .... you haven't got a day job!!!!!!
That was... special ;-)
At least you steered clear of Celine Dion or Whitney Houston!
I think steering clear of Celine Dion is just good common sense for everyone...
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