A Sopresa, 'surprise' in English, is a small ornament (traditionally an egg) that contains a heartwarming minature scene of traditional life in El Salvador. However, some scally decided that such innocent looking treasures would be a nice way to conceal something a little less errr....heartwarming.
If you request a 'special surprise', some rummaging under the counter ensues, and an ornament is furtively opened to reveal a couple enjoying themselves in one of several creative positions.
I've put a picture of my contraband below, but as my 10 year old sister reads this blog, photos of the interior will be made available only on request ;)
Very considerate of you but I'm sure that Rachel's seen worse at school - it's not like it was in our day...!
OK - i'm intrigued. i definitely want to see what was inside!!! Please??!
Some googling for the cat position might enlighten!
Thats hilarious, I love it! I want one!
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