Wednesday 17 December 2008

Caye Caulker Christmas....weird

It's just strange having Christmas decorations up when it's sunny. It's also very confusing to hear Christmas Carols when everything else around you says Summer!


Naird said...

I'm sure you'll get over it ;-)

It's freezing here in Amsterdam... brrr

sparkadelic said...

Looks like someone ran off with a "ho"... there must be a remarkably tasteless pun to be made in there somewhere, but I'm drawing a blank.

Beagles said...

why does father christmas have 3 gardens?

so he can ho ho ho!

you'll have to go further than central america to escape my jokes, mwah ha ha haaaaa

Spireites said...

What do you call a dead snowman??


Anonymous said...

I know what you mean about the incongruity - I was once in Singapore a few weeks before Christmas and seeing fake snow and santas whilst sweltering takes some getting used to!