Wednesday 17 December 2008

Belize City - A bit like Marmite

I really liked Belize City. I was pretty nervous on the way there as i'd been told (by just about everyone i'd met) that I would likely be attacked and killed within 5 minutes of getting off the bus. The main piece of advice i'd been given was to NOT under ANY circumstances arrive at night.

Unfortunately, due to a lengthy and confusing border crossing, we were heading into the city in the pitch black, listening to a (really loud) CD where the majority of the song lyrics seemed to be 'Be-atch' or 'Ho'.

Belize City does look dodgy too. It reminded me a bit of Shaun of the Dead, with lots of people staggering around aimlessly, sometimes dragging one foot. The buildings are mostly falling down or derelict, and the roads are just dust.

But as it turned out, the Belizean people are the friendliest, most helpful you're likely to come across. They even have a public service announcement on the radio reminding locals to 'be kind to tourists'!

One of the best things about Belize City for me was the guesthouse we stayed in. The other people i was with HATED it. Derek was so disgusted by the pillow, he refused to sleep on it before wrapping it with 2 sheets and a towel, and the bathroom was definitely a hover situation. But any place that insists on reading the tarot cards and aura of prospective guests before check in, gets the thumbs up from me!!

This is a picture of the Seaside Guesthouse in Belize City:


sparkadelic said...

Wow. This place looks like the setting for every slasher flick ever set in Latin America (of which there are a surprising number). Rusted roof...overgreen weeds littered with refuse...a deceptively nice hammock where one could unsuspectingly laze away a balmy afternoon...bars on the windows that are much more effective at keeping people in than out...and then...nightfall, and the mystical proprietor's mutant, voodoo-enraged son emerges from the banana grove with his blood-stained machete and harvests a new crop of young ne'er-do-well travelers for his shrunken head farm. Sweet!

Y'all should consider making a short film if any of your cameras will take vids...

Naird said...

Hilarious - I want a bit-part!

Anonymous said...

So what was your tarot reading then?