Friday 27 February 2009


It´s always weird being the first to arrive at a party, but I can confirm that it is much more awkward being the first to arrive at a festival. Derek and I were the unfortunate vanguard, and whereas at a party, the host is pretty glad you turned up to help eat all the crisps, at a festival you're kind of in the way for a while.

Luckily, a random hippy was on hand to occupy us with a yoga ´workshop´. It was a full moon festival, and the kind of event where everything is a ´workshop´. You HAVE to improve yourself!

By the time we had done some hippy yoga stretching, other people had started to arrive....enough to hold a horseshoe throwing competition!!! Unfortunately, other people seemed to have some experience in this field, and we were knocked out in the first round, with a score of 15-9 :( is a picture of me throwing a horseshoe (note determined expression).

Somewhat at odds with the general vibe of the festival, there was also a cock-fighting tournament. It was pretty horrible. Razor blades are attached to the cock´s legs to maximise the blood and gore on show for the punters. I watched for a little while, but really couldn´t bear to watch the death throes of the poor things. Once the game is over, the loser is thrown onto a pile of other losers, while the winner practically has a heart attack from the stress of the situation.

This is a picture of one of the cocks being riled up by a pretty hen being waved about:

The rest of the festival was straight-up music and dancing. Yay! No fighting, violence and death, just peace, love and happiness!


Spireites said...

Not much of a crowd watching the horseshoe throwing competition!!

Steph said...

Ooooh Handbag! Yes...the festival was still relatively low key at this stage.

You should have seen the crowd for the competition to see who could fill a tyre with earth the fastest!!!

sparkadelic said...

Having won a horseshoe contest or three in my time, I feel confident in praising your form - many beginners tend to step with their right foot as they throw (assuming right-handed tossing), which throws their balance out of whack. Well done on the counter-stepping.

Your timing does look a little off, though, as the shoe should pass your hips about the same time your weight transfers to your left foot. I attribute this minor error to the one major problem in your form - the proper left-hand counter balance is not the second shoe, but a frosty cold bottle of cerveza.

Correct this faux pas de shoe, and success shall surely follow.
