It´s always weird being the first to arrive at a party, but I can confirm that it is much more awkward being the first to arrive at a festival. Derek and I were the unfortunate vanguard, and whereas at a party, the host is pretty glad you turned up to help eat all the crisps, at a festival you're kind of in the way for a while.
Luckily, a random hippy was on hand to occupy us with a yoga ´workshop´. It was a full moon festival, and the kind of event where everything is a ´workshop´. You HAVE to improve yourself!
By the time we had done some hippy yoga stretching, other people had started to arrive....enough to hold a horseshoe throwing competition!!! Unfortunately, other people seemed to have some experience in this field, and we were knocked out in the first round, with a score of 15-9 :( is a picture of me throwing a horseshoe (note determined expression).

Somewhat at odds with the general vibe of the festival, there was also a cock-fighting tournament. It was pretty horrible. Razor blades are attached to the cock´s legs to maximise the blood and gore on show for the punters. I watched for a little while, but really couldn´t bear to watch the death throes of the poor things. Once the game is over, the loser is thrown onto a pile of other losers, while the winner practically has a heart attack from the stress of the situation.
This is a picture of one of the cocks being riled up by a pretty hen being waved about:

The rest of the festival was straight-up music and dancing. Yay! No fighting, violence and death, just peace, love and happiness!